On the Fence

This whole soap business was supposed to get me away from the computer to work with my hands.  Lately, I’ve been spending a lot of time working on the new web site, which means more computer time.  Something had to be done!  I grabbed a basket, filled it with a variety of soaps, grabbed the camera, and headed outside in search of a fun soap photo for the website.


The old wooden fence seemed like a great spot to line them up.  I tried setting them up at different angles, but that wood is not exactly level on top, and the soaps fell off way too easily.  Nonetheless, I am quite pleased with the end result.  I hope you like it, too.


(left to right) Ginger Almond Grapefruit, Butterscotch, Tobacco Vanilla, Lime Herb Oat, Lavender Spearmint, Myrrh Grapefruit, Cherry Coconut Lime (Toot Sweets), Rosemary Eucalyptus Clove Oat, Lavender Vanilla Orange, Rose Lavender Lemon, Strawberry Vanilla, Lavender Patchouli, Juniper Almond Herb, Hot Honey Rag, Coffee